空间行为与规划》课程简介 | ||
发布日期:2018-06-05 浏览次数:309 字体:[ 大 中 小 ] | ||
课程类别:专业选修课程 课程代码:GEO321048E 课程名称:空间行为与规划; Spatial Behavior and Planning 学时学分:32学时;2学分 预修课程:城市地理学,人文地理学,城市规划原理 适用专业:人文地理与城乡规划
内容简介: 【中文简介】“空间行为与规划”是人文地理与城乡规划专业的专业选修课程。该课程介绍行为地理学的基本理论与方法,系统介绍时间地理学及个体时空间行为数据采集与管理方法,从工作活动与通勤行为、购物活动与购物出行、休闲活动与休闲出行、交通出行、认知地图与行为决策等方面,对空间行为研究的基本理论、方法、变化趋势等进行科学解说,介绍中国城市空间行为研究前沿与规划应用实践案例,从个体行为视角对中国城市空间与社会问题进行分析,为制订以人为本的、面向生活质量提高、社会公平与低碳城市的城市空间规划及政策服务。 通过本课程的学习,使学生系统掌握行为地理学的基本理论与方法,全面了解城市空间行为与规划研究的最新成果,结合中国城市空间的具体分析,培养独立分析城市问题以及制订空间政策、编写空间规划的能力。 【英文简介】"Spatial Behavior and Planning" is the professional elective course of Human Geography and Urban-rural Planning discipline. The course gives an introduction of the origins, development and methodology evolution of behavior geography, and symmetrically lecture on the theory, methodology and methods of behavior geography, especially time-geography approach as well as individual-level space-time behavior data collection and management. In addition, detailed interpretations were given through the topical subjects of work activity and commuting behavior, shopping activity and travel behavior, leisure activity and travel behavior, cognitive map and decision-making et al. Furthermore, this course also introduce empirical studies of urban geography and urban planning practices in Chinese cities from the perspectives of spatial behavior perspective, which aims at application for spatial policy making and people-oriented spatial planning. Through this course, students systematically master the basic theory and method of behavior geography, and comprehensively understand the latest research on these related fields. Furthermore, students should also acquire the ability of applying relevant theories and methods to analyze and solve urban social and spatial problems in Chinese cities.
必备教材和参考资料 【必备教材】 1. 空间行为的地理学,[美]雷金纳德·戈列奇,[澳]罗伯特·斯廷森 著. 柴彦威,曹小曙,龙韬等 译. 北京:商务印书馆,2013
【参考资料】 1. 空间行为与行为空间,柴彦威等著,南京:东南大学出版社,2014 2. 时空间行为研究前沿,柴彦威 主编,南京:东南大学出版社,2014 3. 城市空间行为与分异张艳 以北京市为例, 张艳 著,北京:学苑出版社,2015
(撰写人:张艳 撰写日期:2017年10月 审核人: 张景秋) |
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